Chinese Medical Centre
Acupuncture has been healing people for over 2500 years. According to the classical doctrines of Chinese medicine, there is an unceasing flow of “life energy” called Qi(pronounced chee) throughout the human body. Qi originates from the major organs and flows along the circulatory channels called meridians. A healthy body has a smooth and balanced Qi. An unhealthy or painful body has a disturbed Qi.
Acupuncture points are on the meridians. The acupuncture needles stimulate the Qi so that healing can occur.
Most patients find the treatment very relaxing. Fine, flexible needles are inserted into the skin with very little, if any, discomfort. At DST, we always use disposable needles so that your health is protected. We may also use electrical stimulation to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
Acupuncture has proven to be effective for a wide range of conditions including the following:
- Back pain, sciatica, joint pain, musculoskeletal pain in the body
- Arthritis and rheumatism
- Tension type headaches, migraine
- Tiredness, ME
- Sleep disorders
- Stress related conditions
- Anxiety and Depression
- Women’s health concerns (menstrual disorders, menopausal symptoms)
- Fertility and to support IVF treatment
- Addiction issues – smoking
- Digestive disorders (constipation, IBS)
- Allergies
- Respiratory disorders
- Circulatory disorders
The following links provide more information on the effectiveness of Acupuncture.
Treatment Prices
Acupuncture: | 30 mins £35 | 60 mins £60 |
Acupuncture & massage: | 45 mins £55 (30 mins acu, 15 mins msge) |
Acupuncture & massage: | 60 mins £70 (30 mins acu, 30 mins msge) |
Interested, then why not find out more?
We offer free consultations to determine suitability prior to advising any course of treatment.
Call 020 8393 3321 further enquires or to arrange an appointment.